Emerald: The world’s most popular green gem


When it comes to the jewelry world, colored gems are considered to be luxurious due to their unique characteristics. The three crown jewels are known to be sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. Of the three crown jewels, the gem has a reputation for bringing about new beginnings and hope. It is considered to be the perfect birthstone for May as it is seen as a budding sign for spring. Pure, dark green, light, and green-blue are some of the colors associated with this stone gem. These stones are accessible from various places and can be acquired from emerald stone gem.

Its hardness ranges between 7.5 and 8 and its crystal are hexagonal in shape. The deposits are minerals found in Madagascar, Russia, Zambia, South Africa, the United States, India, Australia, Tanzania, Austria, Nigeria, Colombia, Brazil, and Pakistan.

The gem stone: Its history

For over 5000 years ago, the gem stone has been in use in ancient times. It was used to make jewellery by the Egyptians for the aristocracy. In 1816 the Jebel Zabarah deposit, also known as the ‘Cleopatra mines’, was found and it was likely that the stones it held were of little value. The deposit was named after the Egyptian queen due to her fascination with the precious gem. The queen offered this gem to her entourage in the form of jewellery. These included bracelets, pendant, or even necklaces. In 2000 BC, such jewellery including the pendant was used as a currency by the Babylonians.

In ancient times the stone was even carved into statues. People like the Romans were aware of the gemstone that they obtained from the Habachtal deposit found in present-day Austria. It was advised for eye care by Pliny and used as an optical instrument to improve his failing eyesight by Nero. Stories based on the Arthurian legend that was told in the Middle Ages claimed that this stone was used to make the Holy Grail.

In the 16th century, the Columbian deposits of Muzo and Chivorsera were unearthed by the Spanish conquistadors. By the end of the 17th century, a gem consisting of more than 217 carats known as the Great Mogul Diamond was discovered adorned with religious motifs.

  • The composition and origin of the stone.

This gem is from a variety of beryl with a composition of iron, chromium, and vanadium which give it its green color. When exposed to fire it becomes a light pearl green. Otherwise it at times changes between green-blue and green-yellow. On the Mohs scale, it is found to have a hardness between 7.5 and 8. This stone usually has a presence of a white streak when fractured. It fractures in the manner of a shell. This stone is recognized by calculating the oxygen isotopes proportion. It is therefore possible to draw parallels with the ancient stones.

Forming under special geological conditions, the stone is rare to find. However, it can be found in sixty deposits worldwide. It is rarely found as its components are located in different places. The vanadium, iron, and chromium are found in the earth’s mantle while magma is found within the earth’s crust.

The stone: Its litho therapeutic properties

The gemstone is believed to lead to people solving their conflicts. It leads to teamwork and cooperation by encouraging openness and bringing out a benevolent attitude among people. It helps those dealing with claustrophobia and brings about a good relationship among friends, families, and even lovers by developing understanding and honesty. It also sharpens one’s memory by encouraging learning.

It is also believed to relieve ailments by strengthening the immune system and curing viral infections. It is known to help people suffering from heart problems, epilepsy, vision disorders, and even diabetes. It can preserve the spine by protecting the joints. It helps in the purification of the pancreas and liver and is known to lead to a soothing effect when it comes to the digestive tract. It helps bring out chakra.

  • The stone tradition and symbolism.

This gemstone is known to be a symbolism of spiritual, material, and physical regeneration.

Aside from this, it is known to be involved in various traditions. In Native America, it is believed to bring about fertility and spring renewal. In the Middle Ages in Europe, it was used to ward off evil spirits and help all through the pregnancy period until childbirth. It is known to be the stone of secret knowledge and also as the pope’s stone according to Christians.

Legend has it that the stone was torn off from the forehead of Lucifer the archangel by Saint Michael when Lucifer refused to obey God and that the holy grail was carved from it. It was found by King Solomon who gave It to Queen Sheba. Later on, Nicomedes curved it into the shape of a chalice and kept it. From then it was used by Joseph of Arimathea and finally used by Jesus on the last supper. This is why the chalice was referred to as the Holy Grail.

The geographic and geological occurrence of the stone

It is formed from the mineral beryl with a chemical composition containing the symbol Be3Al2(SiO3)6. The conditions in which the minerals forming the stone are found are not similar and that is why it is a rare gem as it is found in very few locations. Major production countries are Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Colombia, and Brazil. The countries with minor production include Pakistan, Madagascar, Afghanistan, Canada, Nigeria, and Russia just to mention but a few.

  • Types that exist.

These gemstones are mined in different forms and thus exist in different types. As a Trapiche the gemstone appears as a six-sided zoned morphology. It has green material which is the gem and black particles of black shale matrix which were included while the crystal was growing. Synthetic gems are gemstones created in the lab and Imitations which tend to resemble natural gems.

Reason for its green color

These gemstones get their green color when the beryl mineral has trace amounts of vanadium and chromium minerals. Otherwise, it will have a yellowish-green or a bluish-green color when beryl has trace amounts of iron. The color in this case will be determined with its oxidation state. For a gem to be considered as the stone discussed in this article, its green color should be quite distinctive and rich. If the color is lightly toned or has a weak saturation, then it is referred to as green beryl. If it is greenish-yellow, it is referred to as a heliodor and if it is greenish-blue then it is referred to as an aquamarine. The name given to a green gem is important as it will directly impact its marketability and price.

  • Yellow stone is an incorrect name to use.

While marketing beryl of another color it is inappropriate to use its name as it will be misleading and unfair to the buyer deceiving him or her to believe that it is genuine. This is according to a set of Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries published by The Federal Trade Commission.

Why is it a famous gemstone?

This stone is famous due to the beliefs associated with it. In ancient times, Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen adored these stones. It also is a rare gemstone to find. Different cultures have different interpretations of the gemstone. According to Islamic lore, the green color represents paradise, abundance, richness, and growth. This stone was also believed to be a gift from the gods and was known as a jewel of kings. Pilny, an Elder from ancient Rome, claimed that no gem existed that had the same kind of intensity as it. It is also believed to bring out Chakra when used. It, therefore, helps in ailments and helped to relieve the body from pain.

  • What is the stone used for?

The stone is used for different purposes. It is used to make jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and even bracelets. Aside from this, it can be used in the making of statues and even as decorations. To make it durable, however, it needs to be treated with waxes, oils, or even polymers. They tend to deteriorate and discolor with time when cut thus proper care and maintenance should be observed if they are to last long.

It is clear as to why the stone has become very famous due to its various uses and attributes that make it sort after by any far and wide.

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